
What Life Wants…

Life wants to become more. That’s it. That’s fundamentally what it’s up to. And you are life… you’re not separate. So life wants you to become more. It demands that you grow and evolve, or you die. You may not drop dead physically, but internally if you’re not consistently expanding, you die inside. And being […]

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🗓️ May 7, 2024

Visualize how you want to be

Set your intent on how you want to be. Do it every morning. Do it every evening. Then visualize it being real. Dedicate to the practice. Feel it. How do you want to be? Physically Mentally Emotionally Socially Professionally What would make you most proud? What would create self-respect? The default The default way of […]

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🗓️ October 29, 2023

Today’s Challenge is Everyday’s Challenge

I’ve written before on living in day-tight compartments. Something I need to continuously remind myself of. Life becomes a whole lot better when you take it one day at a time. And today is the first day of the rest of your life. With today as the first day of the rest of your life, […]

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🗓️ October 26, 2023

Start & End Your Day the Same Way…

Throughout life you are either living with intent, or you are living by default. When you’re living by default, you are a pawn on the chessboard. You never know when you’ll get sacrificed and you’re always part of some other agenda. When you’re living with intent, you’re no longer a pawn… you’re not even a […]

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🗓️ October 24, 2023

The Purpose of this website…

The idea for this site came to me in 2016. A million ideals rushed into my mind. What felt like authentic inspiration. But along the way things changed. I devolved. Instead of true inspiration, visions of grandeur and being on a some kind of intellectual and spiritual pedestal filled my monkey mind. And with that […]

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🗓️ October 23, 2023

Overcoming Fear…

The fundamental force that holds you back from living fully is fear. We’re all interested in overcoming this, whether we’re conscious of it or not. We all want life more abundant. There are different kinds of fears. Instinctual fear, like the fear of heights, can be there for legitimate reasons. That’s not what is being […]

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🗓️ May 31, 2023

We All Want the Same Things

What you want is not unique. We all want the same things. On the surface they may seem different. At the core they are the same. Physically we all want: Energy Health Virility Emotionally we all want: Connection Peace Excitement Spiritually we all want: Freedom Growth To contribute And we all want wealth / abundance. […]

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🗓️ April 22, 2023