
The importance of writing

If you can’t write well, you’re not that smart. That’s a bold statement, but it’s true. If you can’t write clearly, you’re not thinking clearly. And not thinking clearly is the definition of dumb. Writing is a skillset, art, and discipline all tied up into one, that’s why it’s hard. The more you practice, the […]

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🗓️ June 15, 2019

5 attributes of a highly advanced man

Great athletes often talk about “levels.” They are referencing the fact that not all players are created equal. There are skill level nuances that can easily go unnoticed to the untrained eye. These nuances result in huge differences in outcomes. Sports are a microcosm of life. There are levels to who you are as a […]

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🗓️ June 15, 2019

3 huge reasons why you must get rich

“Are you not entertained! Are you not entertained?” One of the best movies of all time, Gladiator, is a story about winning freedom. This story of bondage to freedom is a powerful metaphor for life AND getting rich. Turns out, without money, you are automatically in bondage. You are behind bars… a slave to the […]

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🗓️ June 13, 2019

You deserve to get rich

Everyone wants to get rich, but very few believe they deserve it. In fact, most people do not believe anyone deserves to get rich. They resent people who have created wealth and conclude they must have stolen or scammed to get ahead. Yes there are hucksters, scam-artists and criminals who have acquired money through dishonest […]

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🗓️ June 11, 2019

10 superpowers that will completely set you apart

Everyone is a fan of superheroes. Superman, Batman, The Incredible Hulk, among many others… Why? It’s because they have superpowers, that’s why. Superpowers are qualities that will make you standout from the crowd. They are capabilities & characteristics that aren’t common. When you have them, you are powerful. When you don’t, you’re just another cog […]

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🗓️ June 10, 2019

14 ways to ensure the good times keep rolling

When you start doing the right things, life becomes amazing. Results start pouring in and you become ecstatic. You really ARE the creator of your experience of life. You’re making more money, you’ve dropped the body fat, you own your schedule, and you’ve attracted the girl of your dreams. This can be scary to the […]

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🗓️ June 8, 2019

12 ways to become extremely miserable

If you want to become an extremely miserable person, I know exactly what it takes. I know this because I’ve made all of these mistakes at some point or another. In order to know what works, you must to know what doesn’t work. So here we go, 12 ways to become extremely miserable. Are you […]

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🗓️ June 6, 2019