
🗓️ April 22, 2023

We All Want the Same Things

What you want is not unique.

We all want the same things. On the surface they may seem different. At the core they are the same.

Physically we all want:

  • Energy
  • Health
  • Virility

Emotionally we all want:

  • Connection
  • Peace
  • Excitement

Spiritually we all want:

  • Freedom
  • Growth
  • To contribute

And we all want wealth / abundance.

Different words may be used. The reality remains the same.

Having these desires has nothing to do with whether you get them. Repeat: having these desires has nothing to do with whether you get them. After all, everyone want these things and we are all pursing them in various ways.

Most of us try to get them in all the wrong ways. And we confuse HOW to get them. Much of your suffering comes from pursing these things in the wrong ways.

The reality is… to get these things, you must be them. The road to this realization was long.