
Everyday is day 1

Life becomes a whole lot better when you take it one day at a time. And today is the first day of the rest of your life. It’s day 1. Here’s the truth. Everyday you wake up is a fresh start. Everyday you wake up you’re a new person. Everyday offers a new set of […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ October 31, 2022

Attention + intention is who you are

The fundamental of who you are seems to be 2 things: attention and intention. Attention is intelligence directed. You have the ability to direct your intelligence… This is attention. Whenever you are awake, attention is on. It is running. The only question is, where? Where is your attention? Is it on the external or the […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ November 3, 2021

Gratitude is your way home

Throughout life it’s inevitable that you will lose touch. You lose touch with yourself and your highest intentions. This is when you suffer. You suffer when you lose your center. Find your way home through gratitude. When you’re grateful, you’re connected. Ask yourself “may I be grateful?” Then “what am I grateful for?” Find the […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ June 16, 2021

Before you have it, close your eyes and imagine it

You have the power to create. You have the ability to imagine. This power is ON at all times, even during sleep. This power is life force. The only question is, how are you using it? Are you creating what you want? Are you imagining what you want? Or are you in a perpetual cycle […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ April 25, 2021

Meditation for centered strength

In human life thereโ€™s the default, and thereโ€™s the ideal. The default comes from past conditioning (societal, family, experiences). The ideal comes from your spirit (who you really are). The default is internal weakness. The ideal is internal strength. The default is feeling troubled. The ideal is feeling centered. Wrong action comes from the default. […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ April 19, 2021

Creative & physical outlets are very important

Confession: I’ve neglected this project. I haven’t written anything in years. My focus has been 100% about making money, and obviously Untroubled & Strong isn’t about that. This year has been an incredible journey. My income has skyrocketed and investments have gone amazingly. One million dollars is now associated with my name. Pretty cool seeing […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ December 12, 2020

Problems vs. possibilities

Your mind is always focused on either problems or possibilities. Itโ€™s one of the two. You’re either seeking out pleasure (possibility), or looking to avoid pain (problems). Learning to keep your mind focused on possibility is a daily challenge… but the payoff is huge. A life of abundance, freedom & love can only come from […]

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๐Ÿ—“๏ธ October 20, 2019