
October 24, 2023

Start & End Your Day the Same Way…

Throughout life you are either living with intent, or you are living by default.

When you’re living by default, you are a pawn on the chessboard. You never know when you’ll get sacrificed and you’re always part of some other agenda.

When you’re living with intent, you’re no longer a pawn… you’re not even a king, you become the player of the game. The one making the moves and manipulating the board.

These are the two options in life. Live by default and be a pawn, or live with intent and become the player.

If you’re tired of being the pawn and you want to be the player, you have to practice connecting / merging / becoming intent.

Intent is your power. Intent is your strength. Intent is who you are. Living through intent makes life worth it.

You get stuck in the default by failing to recognize this reality, and failing to make a practice of connecting / merging / becoming intent.

Start & End Your Day the Same Way…

The fundamental task in creating a life that you love is connecting / merging / becoming intent. The more you’re able to do this, the better.

Thankfully it’s easy. The only thing blocking you from connecting / merging / becoming intent is your mind (the default machine). So to merge with intent, get out of your mind. Intent is what’s left when you do this.

You start your day by getting out of your mind, and connecting / merging / becoming with intent.

You end your day by getting out of your mind, and connecting / merging / becoming with intent.

And once you’re there, it’s blissful. Apply your intent to you body, mind, emotion, and life. Then apply intent to the situations and people you’re connected with.

This is how you stop being the pawn, and start being the player.